I love words. It's kind of geeky, I know, but I really don't care. Without a decent vocabulary, the nuances and subtlties of every written and spoken art are lost. I don't just mean that dusty copy of Moby Dick sitting on your shelf somewhere that you never got around to reading. I mean classic and current literature, news, theatre, television and film. So I'm offering you one word or term everyday (or so) - that's my promise. What I won't guarantee is that your English professor will always approve of my choices. Language is everchanging. It is both the riverbed and the water flowing over it. We constantly add new words and give old words new meanings. I'll try to dip into a little of everthing and hope you join me.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lose vs. Loose

Wow, does this ever bother me. I know it's an easy thing miss a double letter occassionally, but if you use the words often enough it becomes pretty obvious when it's a mistake and when you just think they're the same word.

So, unless you're talking about loosening the straps before tossing extra cargo out of a plane (or the like) you cannot loose weight. Your belt, however, may become loose if you lose a few extra pounds.

Lose - to come to be without. (Did you lose you mind? Are you a loser?)

Loose - free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end. (The moose, the moose, the moose is on the loose.)

They sound different too, y'all.

Lose (luze). You snooze, you lose.

Loose (lus). Loosey-Goosey.

Please get it straight or we'll have to crown you the 'loosest loser' of them all. You don't want that, now. Do you?


Unknown said...

thank you, Wendybird. This one drives me crazy, as well.

And for the record, I like your blog-hijacking. More exciting than all of the normal praise and adoration that I typically get.

Newty said...

most of the weight people need to lose is just loose weight, yes?

Allyson said...

I completely agree, this one gets me all the time! May your words of wisdom keep me from being a loser.

Shem said...

I have a good one for you. As seen on a native Utahan's Facebook status. "I am so tired, I think I could just kill over." Ha! Ha! Ha! The word is keel you fool. And there is a SALE on at Macy's not a SELL. I could go on and on.