I love words. It's kind of geeky, I know, but I really don't care. Without a decent vocabulary, the nuances and subtlties of every written and spoken art are lost. I don't just mean that dusty copy of Moby Dick sitting on your shelf somewhere that you never got around to reading. I mean classic and current literature, news, theatre, television and film. So I'm offering you one word or term everyday (or so) - that's my promise. What I won't guarantee is that your English professor will always approve of my choices. Language is everchanging. It is both the riverbed and the water flowing over it. We constantly add new words and give old words new meanings. I'll try to dip into a little of everthing and hope you join me.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Ah, what a fabulous word. Quite a mouthful. I'd give you the official pronunciation guide, alas I haven't font to pull that off. You'll have to settle for my own version.


AND, the definition:

1. Ascribing human form or attributes to a thing or being not human.

2. Resembling or made to resemble a human form.

I have a serious problem with this. Being an animal lover, I totally tend to think of animals as fuzzy humans. I assume they feel and think like we do all too often (which is anthropopathy - awesome variation, btw).

Most every fable is anthropomorphic, as well as most children's stories and movies. Who would've thought we could identify with ants, lions, bears, toys, robots, etc.? Give them human qualities, however, and we suddenly feel bad squashing the ants waltzing through our gardens (ok, not so true for me), or throwing out a toy we don't play with.

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