I love words. It's kind of geeky, I know, but I really don't care. Without a decent vocabulary, the nuances and subtlties of every written and spoken art are lost. I don't just mean that dusty copy of Moby Dick sitting on your shelf somewhere that you never got around to reading. I mean classic and current literature, news, theatre, television and film. So I'm offering you one word or term everyday (or so) - that's my promise. What I won't guarantee is that your English professor will always approve of my choices. Language is everchanging. It is both the riverbed and the water flowing over it. We constantly add new words and give old words new meanings. I'll try to dip into a little of everthing and hope you join me.

Monday, May 31, 2010


Number one reason I like this word; some words are just fun to say. Try it, "schlep, schlep, schlep, schleppity, schlepped, schlepping, schlep". Does your face feel weird? If not you should say 'schlep' more. You may want to add a bit of a Jersey accent to it. Eventually your jaw will jut forward and your lower lip will curl out like you're pouting. You may actually begin to lisp out words like 'schweetheart', or quote the Godfather - but maybe that's just me.

Number two: I like it when slang words are used enough to 'arrive' and find themselves printed in the big book. (Not the Bible, people - that would be 'the good book', I'm talking about the Dictionary)

One meaning of 'schlep', to carry with great effort, was derived from the Yiddish word 'shlepn', (also fun to say) which means to pull or drag. As in, 'You better schlep your lazy self over here before I drag you myself".

Even better (I think, at least) is 'schlep' the noun; a person that is slow or awkward. For some reason I picture Cher palm-smacking Nicholas Cage on the forehead with a "What are ya-some-kind-of-schlep?" in Moonstruck. Although, that line doesn't exist, it fits the feel of the word for me. (And, yes, 'schlep' can also mean a long, tedious journey - but it's not nearly as entertaining as a good slap upside the head.)


Unknown said...

Seems to me that all I do is schlep. Yep, I'm a schleper.

Some slang words that I do NOT appreciate being admitted to the big book are: bling-bling, booty call, funner (only in the lame versions of some big books). I'm sure there are more, lots more.

Newty said...

When I was guiding in the Grand Canyon we often tie our boats together with a Schleper strap. So I found myself in an airport one day eating near some jewish men who had a huge spread for lunch and one turned to the other and said "We gonna schlep this on the plane" Then the other looked and me and said "Hey Mormon boy, you know what schlep means?" Uh, yeah, you gonna pull and drag that lunch along with you on the plane?" It was a shining moment for me. No mustache was involved either.

wendybird said...

I get adding slang terms, as horrible as some are, but adding misused forms of a word? Funner?! BAHHH! Really?
I just looked it up - it's even listed in Webster's, right along with 'funnest'. I'm speechless.
What a bunch of schleps!

Allyson said...

I love the word "schlep" too! I always knew we were kindred spirits!

Unknown said...

I understand adding slang words, too. But the moment I heard my mother say "bling bling" I knew that the phrase should be retired.

wendybird said...

Ah, Pam. She just can't help gettin' jiggy with her peeps.