I love words. It's kind of geeky, I know, but I really don't care. Without a decent vocabulary, the nuances and subtlties of every written and spoken art are lost. I don't just mean that dusty copy of Moby Dick sitting on your shelf somewhere that you never got around to reading. I mean classic and current literature, news, theatre, television and film. So I'm offering you one word or term everyday (or so) - that's my promise. What I won't guarantee is that your English professor will always approve of my choices. Language is everchanging. It is both the riverbed and the water flowing over it. We constantly add new words and give old words new meanings. I'll try to dip into a little of everthing and hope you join me.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Oh, you all know what it means - substitute stinketh for stinks. Voila. To give off an odor most foul. "... others say that he is dead, and that he stinketh ... to me, he doth not stink." I read that sentence last night and wondered why we don't add 'eth' to words more often. I think we should. I think we should also use the word 'doth' more often too. Indeed, this I thinketh. And as I thinketh, so I am. Or so I hear. (This she heareth.)

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